1000-lb Sisters

Amanda Halterman Offers To Roast Your Bestie, Why?

Amanda Halterman Offers To Roast Your Bestie, Why?

TLC 1000-Lb Sisters - Amanda Halterman

1000-Lb Sisters star Amanda Halterman isn’t afraid to tell her family some solid truths and she’s not afraid to roast your friends either. TLC fans know that she’s got a temper. Remember how she yelled at Michael Halterman and told him to get out of the house? Well, he went. Read on to find out more about her offer to rip someone a new one.

Amanda Halterman Seems Blunt & Mean Sometimes

Amy Slaton and Tammy have been at the sharp end of Amanda’s tongue in the past. So, some people wonder if the TLC support character is mean or just bluntly honest. Some TLC fans believe that she’s spiteful and jealous, but others like her. Nothing gets by her, and she’s sharp enough to tell if someone is avoiding an issue.

Amanda Halterman TLC
Amanda Halterman –  TLC YouTube

Amanda Halterman is also sharp enough to know that the TLC show won’t last forever. Independent-minded, she’s determined to earn money from another source. In fact she’s on record as stating that she won’t rely on the 1000-Lb Sisters show to support her family. So, she sells merch, runs a TikTok account, and is active on other social media channels.


1000-Lb Sisters Star Will Roast Your Bestie Why?

As she grew up in poverty, Michael’s sister-in-law is always looking for new ways to support her family. She has two boys who graduated high school and she doesn’t want her kids to struggle as she did. She’s frugal and careful, but there’s no way she’ll pass up an opportunity to earn more cash. And, that’s why she’ll roast your friends.

1000-Lb Sisters Amanda Halterman - Instagram
1000-Lb Sisters Amanda Halterman – Instagram

Amanda Halterman is on Cameo, so on her Instagram stories this week she posted about insulting your friends. Some people pay for that sort of thing. There is money to be made with the tech available these days. Did you know that Big Ed Brown charged $400 for a 10-minute Zoom call?

It’s not clear how much a text message would cost from Amanda. However, her Cameo does reveal a charge of $250 for a marketing video. However, she’s got some good customer reviews, and one of them wrote, “Thank you so much! It made my friend cry! You’re one of our favorites on the show! It meant so much to her.”

In January this year, another happy customer told her, “Best video ever!… It made my mom’s day and she was so happy!!!!… Amanda is the best!

Mostly, Amanda Halterman’s inspirational and gives good advice, so it will be interesting to see if anyone takes the TLC star up on her offer to roast people.

What are your thoughts about Amanda Halterman offering to roast your best friends? Do you think she will be good at it?

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